Our Interventions and Services
Integrity Building Interventions
We develop Principles-Based, Certifying, Anti-Corruption Business Coalitions out of elements from Government, Business and Civil Society. There is safety in having the right numbers and our work helps guide entities to jointly set governance standards required to survive and thrive in the Nigerian Business Environment. The joint compliance monitoring with regulators helps manage the pressures and evolve ethical and sustainable ways to achieve regulatory compliance. Finally, within this collective action, participants jointly intervene around consequence management frameworks for behaviour modification enabling greater compliance and improved service delivery from both government and private service providers.
In all our Collective Action Projects, we gather data and evidence with which to track compliance and strengthen incentives for cooperation amongst the partners. We work to ensure there are clear and tangible incentives in the arrangement for all participants such as through improved public trust in Nigeria’s governance institutions, or safer, more sustainable access to finance, markets and know-how for private sector or to provide to civil society the means to hold those with power accountable in Nigeria or to increase opportunities for citizens to participate in governance processes in Nigeria. This links up with the principles of the Open Government Partnership, the ambitions of the Business and Human Rights Roundtable and the National Plans to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
We facilitate regular dialogues between government, business and civil society to foster greater mutual understanding and collaboration. We hold a series of fact-based dialogues called ‘Regulatory Conversations’ where we persuade private sector entities to explore integrity over corruption. We persuade government to develop and communicate a clear philosophy of regulation, adopt international best practice in the governance of their institutions and in regulatory activities, maintain independence in relation to their regulatory roles, undertake regular assessments to benchmark their practices and performance, and issue clear guidelines on public policy objectives. Ultimately this leads to improved outcomes and greater confidence for doing business in Nigeria which will attract more long-term FDI to Nigeria.
Integrity Support Services
We support participants in our collective action projects by providing them with a range of tools, tips and techniques including training and consulting support to build capacity. The consulting services range from Board Evaluations and Corporate Integrity reviews to Ethics & Integrity Audits, Corruption Risk Assessments, ESG Advisory, and Business Process Improvement. We also help companies who have been debarred by governments or multi-lateral institutions to build their integrity and get unto the road of their compliance journey. We provide regulatory technology solutions as well to help improve the ability of regulators to strengthen their engagement with the private sector.
At the Integrity Organisation and the Convention on Business Integrity, we understand that everything we do to navigate the obstacles and challenges on our way to achieving our set objectives would be political therefore, we take the subject of politics head-on by conducting Political-Economy Analyses to ensure our interventions are politically innovative. This is also how we ensure incentives between government, business and civil society participants in our collective action projects are correctly aligned and will result in the conclusion by all that Integrity Pays!
At the Integrity Organisation and the Convention on Business Integrity, we understand that unless our proposed solutions match the size of the leadership challenges we are addressing, we will not make the difference we seek. This increasingly means that we must create the governance arrangements that provides investors with confidence to provide different types of financial capital required to take on projects ambitious in scale and complexity. For this, we are setting up Integrity Capital which will provide the means to take our initiatives and interventions across Africa.